

Desa Potato Head in Bali, known for its blend of cultural experiences and sustainability, introduces Dome—a culinary concept that merges futuristic design with eco-conscious aesthetics. This latest addition not only brings a unique approach dining but also emphasises community and creativity.
Bali has evolved into a notable destination for specialty coffee enthusiasts, offering a blend of unique flavours and innovative cafe designs in popular locations like Canggu. Establishments such as Miel, Acme Bakehouse & Coffee Roasters, and Blacklist Coffee Roasters exemplify the island's vibrant coffee culture, showcasing a variety of blends, single-origin roasts, and culinary delights, all while emphasising aesthetic and experiential richness in coffee enjoyment.
Walking into Bisma Eight Villas feels like a long, slow exhale of breath. A sense of calm is present throughout the property, and each of the 12 expansive villas has been mindfully crafted to offer a particularly relaxing and luxurious stay.